We chat to Master Weaver and Founder of Mungo textiles, Stu Holding, about his early days in Yorkshire and his commitment to the art of weaving.
“In the height of the season, there’s a reactiveness to the intensity. We move around a little faster, with a productive push. Buoyed by something energetic; a growing sense of excitement. But the cooling off inevitably comes…”
A reflection on seasonal changes. On growth and stillness.A story inspired by a piece of cake.
A call for the revolutionary power of optimism.Someone once described the Mungo Mill as a ‘cathedral to weaving’, and perhaps this is a fitting way to see it. As a functional space, with noisy looms driving the process, the design of the building had to meet certain technical requirements. But as a space reflecting a creative process, it needed a sense of artistry. Such that could reflect the approach to craftsmanship happening within; the balance of good looks and good design that is interwoven into every Mungo product.
Read the full story here.
In 2017 we built the Mungo Mill – a culmination of our dream for open and transparent textile production. Over the last year we’ve been expanding this vision. This week we opened the doors to Phase 2.