- As an independent weaving mill, not swayed by seasonal trends or outside demands, we have licence to play. To create one-of-a-kind products that align our design to innovate, with a commitment to quality craftsmanship. At the Mungo Mill, we have 18 looms. A mix of antique shuttle-operated looms, and more mid-century rapier machines. Each of [...]
Every mutt needs a Moholo. And every Moholo needs a model. See how photographer Sharyn Hodges shot her three adorable Golden Retriever doggos with the new Mungo Moholo Dog Blankets.
In 2017 we started on a journey… A trip to Turkey to find the world’s best organic cotton culminated in 3 new organic cotton towels. And in 2020 following an audit, we achieved the GOTS-certified of the Mungo Mill. Now introducing our latest addition – GOTS-certified Organic Baby Blankets.
Inspired by the colours of the Garden Route’s rugged coastline, Mungo’s designer Lenore Schroeder has introduced a new colourway to our best-selling Vrou Vrou blanket range: meet the Cypress.